5 timmar sedan · Substansvärde, EPRA NAV, per aktie låg på 42,1 kronor (37,7). Fastighetsbeståndet uppgick till 2,5 miljarder kronor vid periodens utgång. ”Efter periodens slut har Fortinova tillträtt fastigheter i Uddevalla och Varberg med ett underliggande fastighetsvärde om 127 miljoner kronor och knappt 8 miljoner kronor i hyresvärde.


Driftsnettot för samma period uppgår till SEKm 797, vilket motsvarar en överskottsgrad om 65%. Den mest imponerade siffran är att EPRA-NAV per aktie nu uppgår 

41,83. 32,89. 22,16. 20,95.

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Analys Dessa cookies används för att analysera beteendemönster på hemsidan och skräddarsyr hemsidan med innehåll anpassat för dig. Die NAV-Darstellung gemäß EPRA-Definition hat das Ziel, den Nettovermögenswert in einem langfristig orientierten Geschäftsmodell auszuweisen.Das Eigenkapital der Anteilseigner von Vonovia wird dabei um die latenten Steuern auf Investment Properties, um den Zeitwert der derivativen Finanzinstrumente und die latenten Steuern auf derivative Finanzinstrumente adjustiert. Sydsvenska Hem AB (publ), med organisationsnummer 559038-4177, är ett svenskt fastighetsbolag som indirekt äger fem fastigheter i västra Skåne. EPRA Net Asset Value (EPRA NAV) IFRS metric calculated based on Net Asset Value, but excludes the fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value  The presentation of the NAV based on the EPRA definition aims to show the net asset value in a long-term business model. The total.

Fastighetssektorns värdering i linje med publicerade EPRA NAV. Nyckeltal för SBB och ett urval noterade fastighetsbolag. Bolag. Kurs.

EPRA NAV. 1) Market values 27/3/2020 and 2019 Q4 EPRA NAV. Note. Property companies on Nasdaq Stockholm Main Market. Average interest rate is  Substansvärde, EPRA NAV, per aktie låg på 12,3 euro (11,8). "Hyresintäkterna i jämförbart bestånd växte med 8 procent under kvartalet och 7  Substansvärdet mätt i EPRA NAV ökade med nästan 21 % till 84 kr/aktie.

Epra nav

P/EPRA NAV of ~102% is the lowest among peers Our estimate implies that Amasten's P/ERPA NAV falls to ~0.8x in '20e and ~0.7x in '21e.

Följaktligen finns det ett antagande om att långsiktigt äga och driva förvaltningsfastigheter. Bolagen utanför EPRA redovisar oftast substansvärdet NAV – Net Asset Value, långsiktigt substansvärde – som i stort sett motsvarar EPRA NRV, även om bolagen inte definierar på exakt samma sätt. Detta innebär att man inte gör någon bedömning av det verkliga värdet på den uppskjutna skatten, vilket görs i EPRA NTA. EPRA NAV per A-aktie uppgick per den 30 juni 2020 till 54 712 kronor.

Epra nav

“Det är glädjande att kunna konstatera att utvecklingen av EPRA NAV per A-aktie fortsätter att förbättras och ligger inom målintervallet 6 – 9 procent per år. He currently chairs the EPRA Research Committee and is the founder of Consilia Capital, which provides strategic advice on global real estate capital markets. It is well known that the UK listed sector (in aggregate) currently trades at a significant discount to underlying net asset value (NAV).
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EPRA NAV. The EPRA Net Asset Value indicates the asset value or intrinsic value of a property company. The value is calculated based on consolidated equity  EPRA NAV per share grew by +3.3% over 2018, to €28.39. Restated for the interim dividend of €0.75 paid in November 2017 on 2017 EPRA NAV, NAV rose by  Aug 4, 2020 EPRA NAV per share, EUR, 11.33, 12.77, -11.3 %, -. Q1-Q2/2020, Q1-Q2/2019, %, Comparable change % 1), 2019. Net rental income, MEUR  EPRA Occupancy.

Customer satisfaction improved significantly in the 2020 fiscal year. EPRA NAV up 8.5% to 309.8 pence per share (31 Dec 2017: 285.6p1) Vacancy driven down to 3.8% (31 Dec 2017: 5.8%) EPRA EPS up 4.0% to 13.1p (31 Dec 2017: 12.6p1) Recycled capital through sales £49m, acquisitions £70m and capex £18m Delivering on capex programme, over 200,000 sq ft of EPRA Triple Net Asset Value (NNNAV): is the EPRA NAV adjusted to include the fair values of (i) hedging instruments, (ii) financial debt and (iii) deferred taxes. I n October 2019, three new asset value metrics were introduced by EPRA: EPRA Net Reinstatement Value (NRV), EPRA Net Tangible Assets Value (NTA) and EPRA Net Disposal Value (NDV) which replace EPRA NAV and EPRA NNNAV. EPRA NAV per A-aktie i SBF Bostad AB (publ) per den 31 december 2019 mån, jan 27, 2020 15:15 CET. Nettoandelsvärde, EPRA NAV, för en A-aktie uppgick per den 31 december 2019 till 54 120 kronor.; Fastighetsbeståndet marknadsvärderades per den 31 december 2019 till drygt 947 miljoner kronor*.
Det förekommer engelska

2021-04-07 · EPRA's mission. EPRA’s mission is to promote, develop and represent the European public real estate sector. We achieve this through the provision of better information to investors and stakeholders, active involvement in the public and political debate, improvement of the general operating environment, promotion of best practices and the cohesion and strengthening of the industry.

Fabege avgränsar redovisningen till fastigheter där vi har kontroll (operational control) enligt principerna i Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Operational control har valts eftersom det ger Fabege bäst förutsättningar att redovisa statistik och data som Fabege direkt kan påverka.

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EPRA Overarching Recommendations Organisational boundary. Fabege avgränsar redovisningen till fastigheter där vi har kontroll (operational control) enligt principerna i Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Operational control har valts eftersom det ger Fabege bäst förutsättningar att redovisa statistik och data som Fabege direkt kan påverka.

When the EPRA NAV was discussed and established in 2003, France had launched itbarely s SIIC reform and the UK and Germany were still years away from introducing their own four REIT regime. Since then, the important work done by EPRA has resulted in the introduction of Fastighetsbolag värderas generellt enligt EPRA NAV (European Public Real Estate Association Net Asset Value). Markus Henriksson, analytiker på Pareto, förklarar varför måttet behövs och hur det fungerar. Se hela listan på castellum.se 2021-04-07 · EPRA's mission. EPRA’s mission is to promote, develop and represent the European public real estate sector. We achieve this through the provision of better information to investors and stakeholders, active involvement in the public and political debate, improvement of the general operating environment, promotion of best practices and the cohesion and strengthening of the industry.

Långsiktigt substansvärde, EPRA NAV. Redovisat eget kapital med återläggning av derivatskuld (+-) samt uppskjuten skatt. Anger det långsiktiga värdet på 

The EPRA NAV is a net asset value per share calculated in accordance with EPRA’s methodology i.e. net assets on the balance sheet excluding the effects of hedges, debt adjustments associated with the hedges and deferred taxation. It also adjusts the share in issue for the potential dilution of shares issuable under employee share schemes EPRA NAV FAQ 1. Why has the EPRA NAV been changed? When the EPRA NAV was discussed and established in 2003, France had launched itbarely s SIIC reform and the UK and Germany were still years away from introducing their own four REIT regime. Since then, the important work done by EPRA has resulted in the introduction of EPRA NAV means the amount as reported by NRE in its quarterly or annual earnings release, based on a GAAP balance sheet adjusted based on NRE’s interpretation of the EPRA guidelines, and similar as prior practices, including adjustments such as fair value of operating real estate, straight-line rent and deferred taxes and additional adjustments to be determined by NRE in good faith based on any changes to GAAP, international accounting standards or EPRA guidelines. The presentation of the NAV based on the EPRA definition aims to show the net asset value in a long-term business model.

EPRA Net Asset Value (EPRA NAV) IFRS metric calculated based on Net Asset Value, but excludes the fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value  The presentation of the NAV based on the EPRA definition aims to show the net asset value in a long-term business model. The total. EPRA NAV. Net Asset Value (NAV) adjusted to include the investment properties at their fair value and to exclude certain items not expected to crystallise in a long   Diluted Adjusted EPRA earnings per share, 6.88 pence, 8.84 pence, 9.09 pence, 8.99 pence. Diluted EPRA NAV per share, £1.39, £1.41, £1.41, £1.36  EPRA NAV. 907,493.